!We need your help
On Saturday, October 7, 2023, the Hamas terrorist organization invaded the sovereign territory of Israel and launched a barbaric attack and murderous rampage, targeting the civilian population and killing over 1400. During this heinous attack, at least 240 Israeli citizens as well as citizens of other nationalities, including babies, children, women, men, and the elderly, were abducted and forcibly taken to Gaza and are being held hostage. Videos filmed by Hamas, and which are prolific on social media, show the cruel and inhumane treatment of these hostages, including beatings, torture, and rape.
We soon realized that among the hostages there are also persons with disabilities, including children and elderly. As a human rights organization for persons with disabilities Bizchut, the Human Rights Center for People with Disabilities in Israel, has decided to raise the issue of people with disabilities among the hostages, as part of the effort to generate international pressure for the release of all hostages.
How can you help?
Please do whatever you can to raise public awareness on the issue of the hostages and to keep it on the worldwide public agenda.
Reach out to relevant authorities, such as government officials (members of parliament, etc.), and ask them to make every effort to secure the release of the hostages.
Together with our partners, Bizchut appealed to various international bodies, such as the UN and the Red Cross, asking for their urgent action to free all hostages. For example, Bizchut, together with the Clinical Legal Education Center at the Hebrew University, and The Center for Disability Studies at the Hebrew University, drafted and sent a letter signed by 23 disability advocacy organizations to the International Committee of the Red Cross: https://did.li/otZNf. This can be circulated.
On a website established by the Hostages and Missing Families Forum, pictures of the kidnapped individuals, their names, and ages can be found: https://stories.bringthemhomenow.net/#statements. This can also be shared.
Every passing day puts the well-being and lives of the hostages in danger.
Contact: Idit Saragusti, Email: idit@bizchut.org.il; Mobile: +972-545314830